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7-week tuning vine course at exploratorium berlin, starting 01.11.18. - Printable Version

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7-week tuning vine course at exploratorium berlin, starting 01.11.18. - Robin - 2017-01-07

7-week course each Thursday from 15 - 18:00 using monochord and tuning vine to explore and make music in Just Intonation. Course language both English and German. To preregister please send email to hayward@tuningvine.com. Further details at http://exploratorium-berlin.de/en/explore-just-intonation/ and http://robinhayward.de/webflyer_nov1.jpg.

7-wöchiger Kurs jeden Donnerstag von 11 - 14 Uhr. Sowohl Monochord wie auch Tuning Vine werden verwendet, um Musik in reiner Stimmung zu machen. Sprache: Englisch und Deutsch. Zur Anmeldung senden Sie bitte eine e-Mail an hayward@tuningvine.com. Weitere Details unter https://exploratorium-berlin.de/de/explore-just-intonation/ und http://robinhayward.de/webflyer_nov1.jpg.

7-week tuning vine course at exploratorium berlin, starting 01.11.18. - Kimble - 2017-05-13

admine Wrote:None planned at present, but I could use a muscle builder like this one if a sufficient number of people are interested. When would time for you?

Hey Robin, when will the next workshop be?

7-week tuning vine course at exploratorium berlin, starting 01.11.18. - Robin - 2018-01-03

Next course starts 11.04.18 (details above)!